Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Any thoughts on the daffodil ?

Consider the daffodil, and while you're doing that,

I'll be over here looking through your stuff.

Any thoughts on the daffodil ?
I don't have any stuff worth looking through. The daffodil. Hmmm. They start out as bulbs, part of the Narcissus family, I believe. You plant them in the fall and they come up in the early spring sometimes even when there is still snow on the ground. They are mostly shades of yellow. Star shaped flowers with a darker trumpet like structure in the middle. They are sold in bunches by the Cancer Society around Easter time. They are lovely. But, they make me sneeze! How is that for a dissertation on the daffodil?
Reply:That's a plan. Start with the drawers of the nightstand - yeah, that's right - you know, some of that stuff in the lower drawer is still new .... um, yup, that plug is just like the one you see in the video, too ....

In the meantime, I got me a daffodil, right here - yep, now let's see, the X-acto knife ought to cut that center cup part out and - yeah, the petals on the outside are still there, yeah, now I got something to put through the hole, here ...

Hey, you, quit playing with those ben-wa balls and come check out this nifty flower!
Reply:Daffodildos make good sex toys.
Reply:You should try eating a daffodil bulb, they are delicious.
Reply:I used to work at the Bath %26amp; Body Works in high school. They had some kind of godforsaken daffodil perfume that smelled like wretched @ss and gave me a migraine and made me vomit.
Reply:All my stuff is in my hat.....I like daffodils......


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