Friday, November 13, 2009

Is the daffodil season late this year or is it just me?

we normaly have a doffodil open gardens in our village around about now but there are no daffodils here in norfolk are there any out near you

Is the daffodil season late this year or is it just me?
I had a daf out last year 2005 in december but not the year 2006

must of thought it was to early.and said to itself i'll wait awhile this year, it will be out soon.

Reply:The appearance of the daffodil very much depends on where you are living. The first 'daffs' appear in the Scilly Isles from late January onwards and are in the London Flower Markets of New Covent Garden from Jan/Feb onwards.

Depending upon weather conditions, daffodils will show their yellow trumpet heads anytime in the wild or in gardens from around late February onwards.

March 1st is St.David's day when the 'daff' is worn in honour of the Patron Saint of Wales. The daffodil is not, as some people think, the 'flower of Wales', it is the 'flower of Saint David'. If Wales has a flower, it is the leak - as big as possible, white and green. Small baby versions of the leak may also be worn on St.David's Day.

Where I live in South East London, the daffs are in full bloom in most gardens.

Spring has sprung already here with lots of blossoms as well as the daffs and other flowering plants. Most tree buds are now full blown green and ready to burst into leaf.

On the downside, all it takes is another 'cold snap' to push it all back into winter once more. Hope not.

Spring Greetings to everyone. If you want the Rites of Spring, be in Padstow Cornwall on May 1st 2007 when they bring out the Obby-oss and you can see possibly the world's tallest ever May Poll. It's a booze day really but with just a hint of 'Wickerman' about it.
Reply:Plenty down in Devon, but then again everything flowers earlier down here.
Reply:Not seen any in flower yet still early.
Reply:Well global warming has hit Dublin.Ours are out this week and that is a good 2-3 weeks earlier than normal.We've had a mild but wet winter.
Reply:Been seeing daffodils growing since Christmas, normally shouldn't see them until nearer Mother's Day/ Easter. They are in full bloom around here and have been for a week or two, (West Sussex).
Reply:yep, round hatfield/welwyn..lots.
Reply:We actually have some open up here in Newcastle, but its way too early for them. They usually come out mid march
Reply:I think mine are ealier this year. The first ones out in my garden are variety February Gold. Sometimes its March before they actually open.
Reply:We have buds, but no flowers yet. I love daffs, they mean spring has sprung!!!!
Reply:We're not even out of Feb yet, so no they are not late in fact the buds are forming so they may actually be a little early
Reply:In Lancashire, Rijnveld's Early Sensation are opening now, Sealing Wax is budding, I should say the daffs are no later or earlier than any other year really although I can never say for definite until about the third week of March.

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