Friday, November 13, 2009

Will garden moles eat my Iris bulbs, daffodil bulbs...?

I planted a lot of tulips a couple of years ago and go one lousy tulip. Did they eat them?

Will garden moles eat my Iris bulbs, daffodil bulbs...?
IN short....YES! will squirrels, chipmunks, deer.

There are products on the market that you can incorporate into the ground or dip the bulbs in before planting that are suppose to protect them.

IO have never used any of these products so I can't recommend them.

I am sure garden centers sell a wide variety, and I hope some one on answers has had personal experience that works for you. Good Luck
Reply:In a word, no, it wasn't moles. Moles are insectivores. In fact some bulbs, certainly daffodils, repel them (I don't know about tulips). I put in rows of daffodil bulbs along some of my boundaries a year ago, and this has halved the number of moles that have come through into my garden this year. Your problem may be plant-eating animals - mice, slugs, insects - or it may be just a bad batch of bulbs. Have you tried digging up some of the bulbs to see what state they are in? Maybe wait until spring to see whether they finally come up!
Reply:It wasn't a mole it was most likely a mouse.....I understand that the moles make the tunnels and field mice have a feast...I have started to plant mine in plastic pots........It works for most ..However some mice are relentless and are eating the bottoms out of some of my pots........I have friends that use clay pots..........And they seem to work also....Good Luck
Reply:Grubs eat bulbs and roots. Moles eat grubs. Neither are desireable to have around. your local nursery has what you need to get rid of both.
Reply:Not likely, but other critters may have- armadillos will dig and eat them, for instance.
Reply:No fortunately they only eat bugs, but they can turn your yard into an ankle breaker.

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